XIsystems TrueNAS Partner Information

On-site Storage Solutions Overview IX systems – TrueNAS Enterprise  Software/hardware and services are a good fit for small and medium businesses that helps fill the gap between commodity hardware and enterprise solutions. Their support offerings and high availability deployments and attractive price point makes it a viable option for small and medium businesses when on-site […]

AWS Migration Services

Seamless Migration to the Cloud with AWS Migration Services Overview Plan, migrate, and track applications to assist customers moving data center resources into the cloud. Serves as a rally point for migrations. Access | Mobilize | Modernize – info Graphic AWS Migration Hub How it works AWS Migration Hub provides a central location to collect […]

AWS Tape Gateway

AWS Tape Gateway Overview Tape Gateway enables you to replace using physical tapes on premises with virtual tapes in AWS without changing existing backup workflows. Tape Gateway supports all leading backup applications and caches virtual tapes on premises for low-latency data access. Tape Gateway encrypts data between the gateway and AWS for secure data transfer, and compresses […]

AWS Volume Gateway

AWS Volume Gateway Overview Volume Gateway presents cloud-backed iSCSI block storage volumes to your on-premises applications. Volume Gateway stores and manages on-premises data in Amazon S3 on your behalf and operates in either cache mode or stored mode. In the cached Volume Gateway mode, your primary data is stored in Amazon S3, while retaining your […]

AWS File Gateway

AWS File Gateway Overview Nearly all enterprises, regardless of industry, have to store files, whether they are backups, media content, or files generated by specialized industry applications. Managing and scaling on-premises infrastructure to provide online storage and distribution of such backup or content files is often burdensome and costly, requiring expensive hardware refreshes, data center […]