Cloud Services


Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Effective cloud cost management is crucial for maximizing your IT budget. Our AWS cost optimization services are designed to help you control and reduce cloud costs. We use advanced tools and methodologies to identify inefficiencies and implement strategies that lower your cloud expenses without sacrificing performance. At GlobalXperts, we understand the importance of reducing cloud costs. Our experts analyze your current cloud usage and identify opportunities for AWS cost reduction. By implementing best practices and efficient resource management, we help you achieve significant savings. 

Amazon Partner Information

Partner Path(s) : Software and Services Staff Members – AWS Technology Competencies AWS Technology Competencies are a way for AWS Partners to demonstrate their deep

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GX Customer Connect

“Connecting Customers – Empowering Businesses” Overview Are you looking for a powerful and flexible cloud-based contact center solution that can help you improve customer service

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Microsoft Azure (Silver Parner)

Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a suite of cloud computing services offered by Google, providing infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and serverless computing environments. With data centers located worldwide, GCP offers a robust and scalable infrastructure for businesses to build, deploy, and manage applications and websites. Key features include compute power with virtual machines and containerized applications through Google Kubernetes Engine, storage solutions such as Google Cloud Storage for object storage and Cloud SQL for managed relational databases, and machine learning capabilities with services like Google Cloud AI Platform. GCP also emphasizes security, compliance, and data analytics, making it a preferred choice for enterprises looking to leverage the power of cloud computing for innovation and growth.

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